Woman Built A “Cat Ladder” For Strays So They Could Come In When It’s Cold Outside

Even though winter is one of the most beautiful seasons since our surroundings are covered in pure white snow, the cold is quite difficult to bear. These cold weather conditions do not just affect humans, but also animals as well. During the winter season, it is rather chilly in Turkey. A kindhearted woman observed how the cold weather affected stray cats and came up with the perfect solution.

This individual built a cat ladder that leads them into her house. This woman named Sebnem Ilhan is a dentist living in the town of Tekirdag. “I made the ladder so the cats can come into my comfortable house,” she expressed. Sebnem was nice enough to transform her house into a refuge for stray cats suffering from the cold.

Despite her kind intentions, Sebnem was unsure as to how her neighbors would react to her new project. This is why she decided to place some flower pots on the cat ladder to act as ornaments. “I thought if I put some flower pots there, it wouldn’t bother anyone,” Sebnem conveyed.

We can gladly say that her little project was a success and received positive feedback. So far, many cats have taken Sebnem up on her nice offer and utilized her home as a warm place to rest.

This human is an animal lover and building a cat ladder is not the only way in which she has helped creatures desperately in need of help. Sebnem even volunteers at a local rescue and makes time to care for stray dogs and cats residing there.

“I wish no animal is hungry or thirsty, just happy. This world is not just for people,” expressed the kindhearted human. Her story proves to us that animals matter too and that caring for animals is one of the most satisfying things ever. We hope and pray that her acts of kindness inspire those of you out there to come to the aid of helpless animals left on the streets to fend for themselves.


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