Photographer Shoots Finnish Forest Animals Like They’re Professional Models

Joachim Munter is a talented photographer who is based in Helsinki. His images of the wildlife in Finland are sure to transport you to a fairytale-like world. Munter began with landscape photography and gradually developed an interest in photographing wild animals.

“Wildlife photography is all about gaining the trust of these adorable animals. The most important thing- in my opinion- is not to chase the animals. You just need time and patience; let the animal become comfortable around you,” he expressed.

#1. So this is what adorable really mean?

#2. When in love.

#3. When the cold makes you grumpy.

#4. Now, who might this angel be?

#5. Don’t get lost in my soulful eyes.

#6. That one person who can sleep wherever they go.

#7. Why would you call a fox cunning when they look so innocent like this?

#8. Holding on to that nut like you’re holding on to your dear life.

#9. Ain’t I the cutest?

#10. Trying to blend in with the surroundings like.

#11. Proof that eyes express a thousand words.

#12. A picture? Or a painting?

#13. This highland cow should surely pursue a career in modeling.

#14. The beauty of Mother Nature at its best.

#15. Trying to reach the sky.

#16. Just wanted to know what a leaf tasted like.

#17. Who knew that foxes could grin so well?

#18. Amazing how all those hues blend together in perfect harmony.

#19. Flight mode on.

#20. Can’t let anyone take my nut away from me.

#21. This squirrel is certainly a pro at posing.

#22. Look who came out for a nice walk.

#23. This picture just melts my heart.

#24. That moment when the cold makes you numb.

#25. Taken a second before the landing.

#26. The fiery orange coat and the pitch-back paws stand in stark contrast with each other.

#27. Just a little snack to fill up my tiny belly.

#28. Enjoying the breathtaking view in front of me.

#29. This photograph deserves to be on the cover of a magazine.

#30. What do you think you are looking at human?

Talking with the WahatzViral team Joachim said “I have branched out a bit nowadays and I also take photographs of cityscapes and landscapes among other things.”

Here are some new photographs he took.

Image Credit & More Info; Jockemunter/Instagram


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